How Rosh Pharmacy

Frustrated with the challenges of filling prescriptions? Rosh Pharmacy is here to change that. Our team of healthcare experts has reimagined the entire pharmacy experience. No more long lines. We've made prescription transfers effortless and convenient.

Got a lot on your mind? We're here for you.

We'll let you know when it's time for a refill.

Get Your Questions answered By Our Expert

Our experts are here to answer your questions about medications, orders, and insurance coverage.

Get your medicine delivered On your schedule.

We have free standard delivery or rush options.

Because we care for your Wellness & Health

We keep track of your medications and health conditions so we can alert you

We help you take control of your health.

We are committed to your well-being and are here to support you every step of the way. With our seamless medication delivery, including convenient standard and rush options, we ensure convenience and timely access to your prescriptions. We take pride in providing personalized care, including refill reminders and expert assistance with medication inquiries, orders, and insurance coverage.

Fill in the basics

This includes your name, address, insurance information, you know the drill.

How It works

Simplified Prescription Submission Process.

Tell us about your medications.

Ask your prescriber to send us your prescription or give us the details and we'll take it from there.

Pick your delivery option

Once your prescription is ready, you choose your payment and delivery option—either free standard delivery or rush options.

Two easy ways to send us your prescription.

From Your Pharmacy

Ask your prescriber to send us your medication or give us their info and we’ll give them a call.

Through Your Prescriber

Send us your pharmacy details and we’ll transfer your prescription and refills.

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